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Next Webinar:

A Question of Time

  • Date: 8th August 2024
  • Time: 2pm
  • Duration: 1 hour

You probably find yourself juggling lots of competing tasks and deadlines. Maybe you procrastinate and find the work keeps stacking up. Time can often feel like it is in short supply for managers, leaders and team members. Would it help if you were given a helping hand with your time management and prioritising your workload?

In our next masterclass, we’ll take a look at:

  • How you can better manage your time
  • Some time management tools you can use now
  • How to better delegate tasks (and eliminate those that waste your time)
  • Prioritising your workload
Click here to book your free place

The BCF Group Webinars

Want regular access to our experts and their insight?

We run regular personal development masterclasses.

These hour-long online sessions are best watched live so you can get involved in the discussion and ask questions.

But we also record the masterclasses so you can catch up with them when it is convenient for you.

Our 2024 masterclass programme includes how to manage your team during a crisis, help for accidental managers, how to be an empathetic manager, better time management and how to give feedback to people who don’t want to hear it.

Sign up to our mailing list, and we’ll notify you of upcoming masterclasses so you can reserve your spot.

Past Webinars

How To Be An
Empathetic Leader

Date: Jun 2024

Empathy has become an increasingly critical skill. Leaders must be able to put themselves in the employee’s shoes and understand their motivations, challenges ambitions and feelings to build trust. Empathetic leaders inspire, influence and connect.

But how do you develop your empathy skills?

Becoming More Than An Accidental Manager

Date: May 2024

Are you an accidental manager?

It's a familiar scenario. You perform well and through your technical ability are promoted through the ranks. Now you have to manage other people, despite not having had any formal leadership or management training.

In this webinar, we look at how to recognise and overcome the challenges of the accidental manager.

How to lead and manage your team during a crisis

Date: Feb 2024

You’ve got your comms strategy in place. You know who your spokespeople will be. And you’ve tested your plan.

But have you thought about how to manage yourself and lead your team through a crisis?

Our BCF Group coaches Dan Boniface and Laura Bridgeman will be joined by Helen Robinson-Gordon, Head of News and Media Relations at the British Medical Association, to talk through her real world experiences of managing a team through turbulent times.

How can you conquer imposter syndrome?

Date: May 2023

Do you find it difficult to share your thoughts and opinion in meetings? Do you feel uncomfortable sharing your comms expertise with senior leaders?

Maybe you feel you are overachieving and are waiting to be found out.

Feelings like this are not unusual, but how do you overcome them, stop them from becoming persistent and prevent them from holding you back?

We explored it all with Dan and Kirsty, our personal development coaches from The BCF Group.

Managing the mental well-being of your comms and media team

Date: Feb 2023

How big is your ‘to-do’ list?

However many items are on it, you can’t afford to let your mental health – and that of your colleagues – slip down the priority list.

In this masterclass, Kirsty Waite and Dan Boniface from the BCF Group will explore how we can all better look after our mental health. And how we can help others.

Management skills
for everyone

Date: Oct 2022

Do you have leadership responsibility?

Maybe you are not a line manager but need to influence senior leaders in your organisation or are the lead for a big communications project.

We all need leadership and management skills regardless of our current position.

This masterclass explores five simple management skills you can use straight away, regardless of age, experience or seniority.

Join Dan Boniface and Kirsty Waite, business coaching and leadership experts from The BCF Group.

How to navigate difficult conversations

Date: Nov 2022

Do you dread having to have difficult conversations in the workplace?

Do you find yourself putting them off?

In this personal development masterclass, we will be exploring tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears and understand how to better manage tricky conversations.

Join Dan Boniface and Kirsty Waite, business coaching and leadership experts from The BCF Group.

How can you improve your resilience?

Date: Aug 2022

Working in comms is tough.

Comms teams are increasingly asked to do more with less. You may be dealing with sensitive and emotionally draining subjects.

It can be hard to ever switch off.

Building resilience and being resilient have never been more vital.

But what does it mean? And how do you do it?


Date: Jun 2022

The ability to manage upwards is not a skill you are likely to find on a job advert. But it is one of the most important skills you can possess, particularly for comms professionals.

Why? Well, because your role involves influencing and persuading those at the top of the organisation.

BCF Coach, Kirsty Waite helps you develop your toolkit so you can do it well, and with confidence.

Effective time management

Date: May 2022

We cannot change time or give you more of it. But we can help you to manage it more effectively.

Andrea Booth will be joined by BCF Coach, Kirsty Waite in this masterclass session to help you develop your time-management skills.

How you can help your team, colleagues and spokespeople with basic coaching skills

Date: Feb 2022

The new way of working has reduced meaningful access to leaders, managers, colleagues and teams.

This can make it difficult to communicate effectively. Coaching techniques can help you overcome these challenges.

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